
MIVO's SL80241 is compatible with BMW's 525i. It's applicable for the years from 1997 to 2003. Positioned at Front Right.

mivo sl80241

OEM Reference Number

32111094674 1092023
32111091768 1094233
32111093769 31121092023
31121141717S2 31121094234
31121141717 31351095662
1091767 19111095
1091768 31121141718S2
31121094233 K80241
31121092024 32111093770
1093769 1091855
31351095661 31121093450
32111093771 SL80241
1094673 31122341296
1093450 1091856
31122341219S1 1093449
31121141718 32111094673S1
31122341220 31121093449
092024 1141718
31122341219 31351091855
32111094674S1 1095662
1094674 32111094673
31121092023S1 1093771
88876618 32111091767
1095661 1092024
1093770 31351091661
1094234 31129069568
1141717 31351091856


Make Model Year Range Position
BMW 525i 2001-2003 Front Right
BMW 528i 1997-2000 Front Right
BMW 530i 2001-2003 Front Right